After the coldest weather of the season recently, the early next week the weather is looking to shift to a nor’easter that is working its way up the East Coast.  A Quincy Quarry News file photo.

News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Piled high and deep as usual in front of City Hall
A Quincy Quarry News snowstorm file photo

First wicked f#*@ing freezing weather hits New England and a significant snowfall nor’easter early next week.

After several weeks of relatively mild winter weather throughout Eastern Massachusetts, things are now hitting the fan.

Overnight temperatures last night set record lows for the winter season to date and now Quincy could be looking at upwards of a foot or perhaps even more snow falling during an extended Nor’easter starting on Monday and which is a storm that will be the unholy result of a “Pineapple Express” that has just slammed California hooking up with a polar cold front.

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The Universal Hub Snow Storm French Toast index
Click on image to see a better image of the index

In other words, lay in bread, eggs, and milk to make French Toast.

And probably lots of it.

After all, as roadkill only gets flatter, late to be forecast storms tend to turn out to be bigger than forecast.

Source: Developing nor’easter could bring ‘significant snow’ next week

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