by Eric Blair | Jun 14, 2020 | Only In The Q
Quincy Quarry is pleased to present the second video about Quincy from the crew of The Quincy Show. After all, one can only stream so much commercial content and Koch Omnivision, formerly know as Quincy Access Television, is what it is.
by Eric Blair | Jun 3, 2020 | Only In The Q
Conversely, Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch was nowhere to be seen at what was a memorial vigil even if his favorite sister the even more diminutive Sister Olga was seen fearlessly moving out and about among the gathered multitudes for the vigil …
by Eric Blair | May 20, 2020 | Behind the Qurtain
How glaring a problem is the still ongoing safety concern? Even the all but invariably otherwise fawning local tabloid addressed this safety concern to Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch several months ago.
by Eric Blair | May 18, 2020 | Only In The Q
Quincy Quarry recently endeavored to find out where local recent both COVID-19 fatalities as well as those deceased by other causes have been laid to rest. After all, Boston cemetery workers have been working overtime to keep up with a considerable recent increase in demand.
by Eric Blair | May 17, 2020 | Breaking Bad
With the COVID-19 pandemic only barely showing signs of moderating in the second hottest hot spot state in the country, Somerville’s always fun Fluff Festival honoring a beloved hometown sweet treat is among the latest round of public summer and fall events cancelled.