– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added

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Is a very short man dissing a less short great man?
An O/Mahoney/Patriot Ledger image

John Hancock remembrances in Quincy to be removed over his slave holdings?

While John Adams found slavery abhorrent and thus never engaged in it, John Hancock bought, sold and retained slaves. 

Granted, Hancock came around to manumission in the wake of the Revolutionary War; however, these days later is considered by at least some as to be pretty much the same as never.

Accordingly, in light of recent events, should all of the various local remembrances of Hancock be removed?

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Can you pick out who is whom?
Conjoined Quincy Quarry News photos

While Quincy Quarry is not in favor of changing the name of the major local thoroughfare that is Hancock Street if for no other reason than the massive inconvenience that would so be inflicted upon those with Hancock Street addresses, it would be in favor of replacing the relatively new statute of John Hancock on Kim Jong Koch Plaza in front of the Hancock Cemetery that is adjacent to Old City Hall.

At minimum, Quincy Quarry’s statuary arts desk chief Augie Rodin finds the relatively new and banal Stalinist statutes of John Adams and John Hancock on Kim Jong Koch Plaza that were in fact made by a Soviet Union émigré to be appalling pieces of work.

Then again, what else can one expect given the piece of work who commissioned them on the down low to the tune of a half a million dollars in total?

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The Founding Mother Abigail Smith Adams statute is currently MIA.
Image via usa.net

And as for a replacement statue, Quincy Quarry would support going with one of Abigail Smith Adams, considered by many to be a Founder of the United States, its first Second Lady. its second First Lady, and the mother of its sixth President John Quincy Adams.

After all, there long was a lovely, lively and masterly statute of her adorning Quincy Square; however, the male-dominated Koch Maladministration removed it in favor of a new one of a long dead white male even if it claims to have a plan to recycle the statute of Abigail and John Quincy.

What is planned, however, has yet to be disclosed.

Here is hoping that it is not the same fate of the engraved bricks that formerly were long in front of City Hall but which ended up landfill.

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