The pandemic is leading to a surge in outdoor recreation.

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Actually, most any nice day is a great day to take a hike
Image via

Massachusetts residents flocking To Massachusetts beaches and parks in record numbers.

Coronavirus Cabin Fever happens, but there is an antidote.

With many indoor activities still on hold or at least limited given the Coronavirus pandemic, state officials have been encouraging Massachusetts residents to get outside for exercise, recreation and fresh air.

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“Take a hike!”
A Bill Watterson image

After all, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be spread far more easily indoors than outdoors and thus Governor Charlie Baker and other public officials have noted that – as a general rule – doing something outdoors is better than doing most anything indoors.

In turn, people are taking this advice to heart.

Per Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides, people are flocking to state parks and beaches in records numbers.

A sample of the data show that the number of people visiting outdoor state outdoor recreational venues are running two and three times their average numbers of visits

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Socially distant beach going!
A file photo of Wollaston Beach

Just be sure to continue to be socially distant and wear a mask when appropriate while out and about.

That and pack along a little hand sanitizer and some disinfecting wipes.

Source: Record Numbers Of People Are Flocking To Massachusetts Beaches And Parks

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