Police Detail — What Detail?
— News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

Whatever developers want, developers gets?
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
While refueling Quincy Quarry News Mobile Two Saturday morning shortly after 7 am, Quarry personnel so noticed lanes of traffic along Hancock Street in front of the entrance to North Quincy MBTA parking garage blocked off to traffic as well as also the entrance to the garage itself so as to accommodate construction work.
Granted, this site of the former MBTA surface parking lot has been undergoing construction of a massive apartment building complex in recent years and thus construction disruption is nothing new, in this instance there was no sign of a police detail to manage traffic on what is one of Quincy’s main thoroughfares.
Needless to say, given the motor vehicle inflicted fatality of a bicyclist but a day earlier, the lack of a police detail to oversee traffic during construction work along a busy local street the very next day can only give one pause.
Grave pause.
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