– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News


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Heading back to the DPW yard after brining Quincy streets early
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

With the likely to be biggest snow event of the cold time of the year so far this year bearing down on Eastern Massachusetts, Quincy Quincy News hit the ever-increasingly mean and soon to likely be snow-covered streets of Quincy to see what might be underway to prepare for a storm that is expected to hit Quincy around the time to perhaps make for doing live remotes on local 11 PM TV news broadcasts,

The Quarry’s findings were a mixed bag.

Fortunately, the weather today could not have been better for snow and ice crews to prepare for the storm.

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At least the brine is sticking to the bike lane …
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

Unfortunately, city snow and ice clearing assets were so out and about too early to prepare for the storm.

Specially, brine was found to have been spread on a number of local streets before the end of the lunch hour.

How is so pre-treating streets with brine early a bad thing?

Best practices suggest endeavoring to brine streets as close as possible to the start of a storm as possible as traffic can blown dried brine salt crystals to the side of the road.

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Enough salt was spread on this side street as was done to Carthage
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

In turn, such would clearly look to be the case along Washington Street today as it was brined at least ten hours before the storm is expected to hit Quincy late tonight.

Granted, brining side streets can be done early given less traffic, however, busy streets are where the action is as regards traffic when snow hits the fan.

Regardless, Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the the Quarry to unleash its exclusive Sled Dog Snow Team to work things during and after the storm looking for news as well as making yellow snow.

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Quincy Quarry lets its dogs out!
An Endurance Kennels image

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