Quincy Quarry News Weekly FishWrap: Triskaidekaphobia happens!
– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

Jason Voorhees
Image via beyazperde.com
Triskaidekaphobia happens!
While for the most part this past week, Quincy Quarry News featured the usual sorts of failed reseeding of trashed turf, potholes, and traffic hazard exposés, there is no denying that this week featured a Friday the Thirteenth even though the Quincy Quarry News crew tried its best to cover the news of the Q for as long as it could.
That and then moved on to hunkering down today.
For but a couple of examples of hunkering down, lining up Uber rides after spending much of the workday today getting a head start on Happy Hour.
And as for an additional reason for the early start on TGIF libations this week, Quincy Quarry News already knows all too well that next week it will become all too painfully obvious how ugly is the next round of carnage when the Quarry begins its exposing of the official rollout of the bad luck coming for local taxpayers’ way via the Quincy City Council’s upcoming review of the proposed koched-up Fiscal Year 2023 budget.
How koched-up?
Quincy’s peerless free-spending mayor is proposing to increase spending by almost 8% during the fast-approaching new fiscal year and which will hit the fan on the first of July.
Then again, what can the Quarry say other than that Quincy’s peerless mayor has a spending jones.
A wicked serious spending jones.
Even worse, he can tax and then spend tax dollars to his heart’s content. even though such will conversely result in local taxpayers bleeding out for years to come.
Fortunately, do not be surprised if Mayor Koch receives a, well, a bit of a well-deserved as well as long overdue setback next week.
I love Quincy; however, the mayor’s spending is insane.
Insane? That’s putting it too easy! Wake up Quincy! Before you are completely drained of every dime! This guy has got to go ! Time for him to wrap it up and shove off……. Bye bye….. He’s gone nuts with spending your hard earned cash……