A federal judge denied Correia’s request to stay out of prison again pending his appeal, but gave the former mayor time to fight that decision. A CBS Boston file photo.
– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

Something for someone with ablutophobia
A Duluth Trading Company image
Jasiel Correia’s bid to stay out of prison pending appeal was denied but his fight is still not over.
In a case that has surely long been monitored by the Koch Maladministration in Quincy’s City Hall, former Fall River Mayor and now-convicted felon Jasiel Correia II had a mixed bag in court yesterday.
His seventh bid to stave off reporting to a Club Fed for an extended stay in prison only bought him yet another brief delay.
Correia’s reporting date was pushed back to April 22 given his appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit to throw out his convictions for corruption and related charges; however, this procedural option to secure a delay in his reporting to prison appears likely to be short-lived as there is little chance that federal appellate judges will throw out his convictions.
Granted, he might then file an appeal up to the United States Supreme Court, but this course of action would likely also go down in flames, not to mention surely also raise questions as to how the also just reported to be no longer working for his in-laws and thus not unemployed Correia is paying his surely considerable legal bills.
Regardless, Quincy Quarry’s overgrowing legions can count on it following this sordid story of mayoral corruption and report back as appropriate.
Source: Judge denies Jasiel Correia’s bid to stay free pending appeal. But his fight isn’t over.
But when are they coming to take Mayor Koch to Club Fed?
Ole Boss Koch’s day of reckoning is near. I wonder who will be going down with him and who will be going down after he cooperates?