– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added

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In the hot seat.  A very hot seat …
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Quincy Quarry starts a shot clock on Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch’s so far no comment on school protest.

Given the ongoing silence by Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch over Friday’s student walkout at Quincy High School in protest of both recent and ongoing racist and sexual harassment of students, the Quarry is instituting a shot clock on Mayor Koch that will continue to run until he might actually come out from the Kochbunker underneath City Hall and make a statement about the metastasizing problems within local public schools.

After all, as mayor, the junior college dropout is also the Chair of the School Committee and thus is the one who is ultimately accountable whenever things go wrong within local public schools.

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Happier times for Pinocchio
An old as well as ill-advised Facebook photo

At the same time, given Quincy Quarry’s long-standing policy of striving to provide balanced and fair coverage, the Quarry will not start the shot clock until 9 am today and thus an hour after City Hall has opened for business even though the mayor and his Chief of Staff Pinocchio Walkbacker should have hunkered down all weekend so as to try to grift a proper response to problems which one can readily argue was at least fueled by the mayor’s adamant decision to not undertake positive steps both addressed and then voted upon for approval by Quincy’s City Council.

That and Mayor Koch’s prefacing as well as appalling incident of hot talk dog-whistling over thirteen months ago.

Actually come up up with a potentially viable plan that might fool enough locals, however, remains to be seen.

And in the meanwhile, TikTok, tick tock – whatever.

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