– Quincy Massachusetts News from Quincy Quarry News.

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Quincy Quarry’s newscopter in flight
A file photo

A Massachusetts State Police Cruiser involved in an injury-accident in Quincy.

A Quincy Quarry News Citizen Photojournalist texted along a smartphone photo of this midday accident at the intersection of Quarry Street and Furnace Brook Parkway and as newscopters were flying overhead.

Needless to say, the accident probably disrupted lunch hour traffic for those heading to or from lunch at one of the ever fewer number of restaurants still open for business.

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Traffic Q’ed up by an accident
A Quincy Quarry News photojournalist photo

While it is as yet unclear as to what might have caused the accident as well as that so far no dashcam video is known to exist, the Citizen Photojournalist spotted indications that the civilian driver may have swerved her vehicle so as to perhaps avoid striking the cruiser.

In the meanwhile, what is known is that both drivers were taken to different hospitals for what were said to be non-life threatening injuries.

Needless to say, Quincy Quarry will continue to monitor the situation and report back as might be appropriate to keep its ever-growing legions of loyal readers informed.

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