– News and commentary from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Hot times for some of those so deserving of a raking over the coals!
Karma really does happen – one just has to wait for her to show as well as sometimes longer than others.
For example, Town of Rockland Selectmen Edward “Eddie Porkchops” Kimball has finally resigned his seat on the Board of Selectmen.
The causal reason: Porckchops ended up with his tukas in the sling after it become known he was playing more than just footsie with a female Rockland selectmen, somewha recently former City of Quincy employee and Quincy native – and who herself resigned previously after she was busted for falsely playing the #metoo card – in arguably at least a contender for consideration as the most sordid sex triangle in the long as well as sordid history of Massachusetts politicians’ sex scandals.
Locally, however, things continue to be mostly quiet.
For example, local officials appear to have played The Delay Game as regards the City of Boston’s plans to rebuild its demolished Long Island Bridge.
Then again, when one appears to not have even but merely one legal leg to stand on, playing this game is a typical Plan B plan.
And speaking of delays, ofo has yet to clear its ride sharing bikes out of the Q per its announced deadline last week last week after bailing out of providing bike sharing services in a number of American cities last month.
Alternatively, as for things noisy as well as dangerous, a bouncer at one of the ever-increasingly fewer dive bars in Quincy Center was busted for discharging a piece that had been reported as stolen in Weymouth as well as a number of other applicable charges for packing without a permit to carry.
Needless to say, this water hole is now looking to find itself going the way of another now former Quincy Center watering hole.
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