A Shamiema Harris image


News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added


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Swimming in ad revenue!
Image via danieldervartanian.com

In the wake of a “relatively” quiet run of weeks in Quincy, Quincy Quarry News found itself with a wealth of breaking badly bad news© to report this past week.

So busy was the Quarry this past week that its Financial and Other Affairs desk was delayed in wrapping up vetting its long promised projections as to just how hard local homeowners are looking to be whacked with substantial increases on their property tax bills come 2024 so as to fund Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s duly adjusted 9.7% increase in city spending in Fiscal Year 2024 from FY 2023’s final revised budget appropriation.

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Enough already
A file photo

While publishing this tax exposé has been delayed, Quincy Quarry must in the meanwhile as well as only properly forewarn its ever-growing legions of loyal voters that what looks to be coming does not look good for local homeowners’ checkbooks.

Not good at all.

On the bright side of things, Quincy Quarry’s recently posted and still ongoing online mayoral poll does not look good for Quincy’s free-spending, if not also profligate, incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch to be able to yet again buy his way to reelection for yet another term in office and so be able to maintain his out of control spending habit.

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Now but a stump remains of a once flourishing ginkgo tree
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo image

And as for but samples of what else hit the fan this week, following are the arguable greatest hits to the soft underbelly of the Koch Maladministration.

First up, Quincy Quarry exposéd yet another chainsaw massacre care of the City of Quincy.  Even worse, this latest massacre of trees was of many of the relative few remaining young trees that survived arboreal neglect during last summer’s brutal drought.  

Next up. Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey announced out of the blue via a prepared statement that the Commonwealth is going to establish a migrant transitional housing center in dormitory capacity at Eastern Nazarene College and so within in a sleepy and otherwise residential neighborhood in Wollaston.

While one can only properly assume that Governor Healey gave Mayor Koch a head’s up on her plans, it either went over his head or he is trying to cover his tukas given his arguably specious, if not also vapid, positions on the impending migrant housing facility.

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The Coasties have spoken
A Coast Guard graphic

And as for an unarguable spanking of Mayor Koch, word finally came out that the United States Coast Guard provided the City of Boston with its last consequential needed permitting approval in June so that Boston can finally start rebuilding its Long Island Island bridge and so be able to then establish a substance abuse facility on the island once the rebuilding of the bridge is completed. 

Rebuilding the bridge will also allow Boston to be able to better utilize the day camp facilities on the island for the enjoyment of less advantaged as well as at risk inner city Boston youth.

Mayor Koch, on the other hand, has long been spending tax dollars so as to try to koch-block the City of Boston’s plans, only to lose at every step along the way. 

Boston now has to submit pro forma applications to the City of Quincy’s conservation commission as well as its planning and zoning boards.

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City Consiglieri “DIm” TImmins and his legal defense team
An old Columbia Pictures image vv

Technically, while these boards have no viable basis to turn aside Boston’s applications, it is still widely expected at least one of them will do so.

In turn, such will all but assuredly result in the unleashing of packs of legal hounds from Hell upon the City of Quincy, including the especially relentless ones from US Attorney’s office.

In turn, such would very likely result in eight to perhaps as much as nine figures in damages claims lodged by the City of Boston as well as also likely sanctions over civil rights violations care of Mayor Koch’s dogged dogging of the bridge as NIMBYs in Squantum do not want a drug rehab facility in the middle of the Boston Harbor a mile to two miles away from their backyards.

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Quincy Quarry’s Police Scanner Monitor at work
An old file photo image

So what, apparently, for the fact that as many as two hundred migrants are conversely soon going to housed in the middle of a quiet and largely residential neighborhood in Wollaston

And finally, Quincy Quarry News published a record-setting five Police Scanner Snippets stories over the past week with more sure to follow as public safety in Quincy continues to take hit after hit after hit, ad nauseam.

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