Citizen Journalism
Quincy Quarry truly believes in “Citizen Journalism” – the notion that regular people can often cover the news just as well – if not often better – than those who graduated from the journalism program at a certain Manhattan university.
As such, Quincy Quarry welcomes all dimes and smartphone photos dropped its way.
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Latest Citizen Journalism Posts
Quincy Police Help with Software Virus Problem
Quincy police face all sorts of calls for assistance. The one picked up last night by Quincy Quarry’s Police Scanner Monitor, however, posed a call for service well past even the unusual.
Quincy Mayoral Candidate platforms featured in South Shore broadsheet
Elections often make for strange media bedfellows.
Braintree Massachusetts Apes the City of Quincy’s Family and Friends Hiring Practices
Braintree Fire Chief James O’Brien was recently taken to task by Quincy Quarry News’ media brethren at NBCBoston Channel 10 for seeing his sons greased into jobs as Braintree firefighers.
Quincy Pedestrian Struck – A Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippet
This latest pedestrian struck by a motor vehicle was whacked shortly after 9 am today in the vicinity of the 99 Ranch Market in North Quincy.
Quincy Walmart Drug Bust – A Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippet
This bust went down two days after Quincy experienced a rash of overdoses on Saturday.
Granite Links drops 99 year lease extension bid
Granite LInks formally announced on Monday that it was dropping its controversial bid to score a 99 year ground lease extension from an obliging Quincy City Hall.
MBTA Bus Driver Beaten by Bus Rider — A Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippet
Last night around 7 pm,Quincy Quarry Citizen Police Scanner Monitor that a said to be Black passenger was beating on an MBTA bus driver.
Quincy Massachusetts Hit By Drug Overdoses Overload
“The needle and the damage done …”
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Quiet Before the Fall?
Quincy Massachusetts is quiet before the fall. Sorta/kinda quiet anyway.
Houghs Neck Runaway Ride Damage Still Littering Ballpark
Quincy Quarry’s renowned Photo Recon Team Six found damage care of the runaway chowderhead still littering the crash scene.
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