Quincy Center Generals Bridge is finally open to traffic
In a rare event, the South Shore broadsheet scooped Quincy Quarry News with its reporting of the opening of Quincy Center’s over-the-top short and latest bridge to nowhere General.
In a rare event, the South Shore broadsheet scooped Quincy Quarry News with its reporting of the opening of Quincy Center’s over-the-top short and latest bridge to nowhere General.
So what the bridge was dedicated four months ago and not all many weeks ago MassDOT announced that it expected to perhaps open the bridge to traffic BEFORE the end of last year …
In spite of the massively expensive events tied to the bridge’s dedication almost four months ago as well as MassDOT’s assurances that the bridge would likely be opened up for use by the end of this year, so far the bridge is still not open to vehicular use.
After taking a couple of days to recover from yet another legendary Quincy Quarry News office Christmas party, the Quarry is back out on the ever-increasingly mean as well as now also ever colder streets of Quincy looking for news.
Quincy’s City Hall delivers faster than Amazon Prime?