Slow taking down your holiday decorations this year? Not to worry, Quincy’s City Hall is also dogging it
That and so running up the city’s electric bill which local taxpayers have to pay.
That and so running up the city’s electric bill which local taxpayers have to pay.
What is hard to fathom is that the house was right next to the Houghs Neck fire station. Then again, maybe such should not be viewed as all that big a surprise given the hosers who staff this Quincy fire station.
In a day when clothing sales are ever-increasingly moving to the cold and utterly impersonal realm of online sales, the passing of Grandasia represents yet another sad decline of the human touch as well as yet another local institution that long made Quincy Quincy.
Where’s Tommy, Waldo — whomever …
Actually, more like a clever bit of product marketing for a 94 proof popular-priced spiced dark rum. Either that or arguably an inside joke about how this relatively inexpensive rum can unleash a hangover. A really bad hangover.