Charmin trims the number of sheets on its toilet paper rolls
The only good news is that Proctor and Gamble has not further skimped by going with single-ply tissues. At least not yet anyway.
The only good news is that Proctor and Gamble has not further skimped by going with single-ply tissues. At least not yet anyway.
In the wake of above-average snowfall this winter and thus many a snow job and snow pile in Quincy, March is also blowing.
And to make the day of Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers, the Quarry scored some video of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch being the one fleeced for a change.
How slow a day is it in Quincy today? So quiet that Quincy Quarry is feting banana creme pies.
Winter in general and now school vacation week taking a toll?