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— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary


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“Roll Special Operations”
A file photo via William Heche/Newsweek

On what should have been a typical quiet Monday night, things suddenly went to Code Red at a long popular and especially so on St. Patrick’s Day restaurant near 1000 Southern Artery in one of the two major police responses in Quincy Point tied to the former shipyard area last night.

Per Quincy Quarry’s senior Citizen Police Scanner Monitor, things suddenly went ugly at the restaurant when someone apparently went off and fired  perhaps as many as three shots fired in total during the course of the incident.

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Hands on Quincy Police Chief Mark Kennedy
A City of Quincy image

Among the full court press of first responders responding to the scene was all manner of Quincy Police and Fire Departments brass per police radio chatter.

At least one person was apparently transported to South Shore Hospital; however, at this point no word as to the person’s condition, much less just what triggered the reason for the ambulance ride.

The good news is that the incident was shutdown effectively as well as without major problems, all things considered.

At the same time, the restaurant was closed down with how long it will remain closed unknown at this time.

Needless to say, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to continue to follow this story and report updates as might be appropriate.

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