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Bye-bye …
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Yet another Koch Machine insider was shown the door earlier this week.

The now-former director of the City of Quincy Senior Services department and longtime BFF of Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch was summarily dismissed on Monday.

While the two previous insiders’ departures were done as a retirement for one and the second via a resignation under fire, this one was a straight up firing.

Although details are still scarce, the fired city official had been out on paid leave over suspected “financial irregularities” and which an outside reviewer apparently found to have merit.

As to if more shoes may drop on this former Team Koch insider, such remains to be seen.

At the same time, Quincy Quarry has received word that outside grant money is in the mix,

In turn, if this chatter is valid, while state officials have a reputation for opting for slack for such things, the feds take names, run the numbers, and then slap such offenders with indictments as well as proceed to trial.

Just ask Quincy’s double dipping ex-con.

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A big seller in Quincy?
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While the two previous insiders’ departures were finessed as a retirement for one and the second sleazed via a resignation under fire, this one was a straight-up firing.

Unclear, however, at this point is if this insider’s will see his city pension as was the case for the person who retired under a cloud and as will be the case for the mayor’s nephew who resigned per Mayor Koch’s Chief of Staph Pinocchio Walkbacker.

Then again, if the purported irregularities committed at Senior Services do, in fact, entail any federal funds, formal resolution(s) of any improprieties will likely be undertaken by the feds and thus out of the control of the Koch Machine. 

| quincy newsFortunately for the Koch Administration, the bus platforms for the Quincy Center MBTA station are right next door to Quincy’s City Hall.

Talk about convenient even if the Bigger Dogs in Quincy’s City Hall are not known for using public transportation.

Accordingly, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on Quincy Quarry to monitor this latest scandal to hit the Koch Maladministration and report updates as appropriate.

That and continue to work other City of Quincy personnel-related dimes dropped the Quarry’s way.

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