— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
Fairy Tale Day is today!
Amazingly, however, City Hall will not be celebrating the day with a city council meeting.
Similarly, neither are any mayoral pronouncements scheduled today in support of plans for yet another “Edifice Complex” project that will require serious taxpayer-funding as well as likely also require additional tax money later to cover only to be expected project cost overruns and/or subsidize operating expenses when things fall short of plan.
Also not expected today is the Koch Maladministration promoting yet another outsized apartment building project that will likely need substantial zoning variance accomodations and/or ultimately tax money-funded subsidies.
![Money burning cheat sheetcom | Quincy News About Quincy Massachusetts | Quincy Ma | quincy news](https://quincyquarry.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2018/06/money-burning-cheat-sheet.com_.jpg)
Tax dollars up in smoke …
Image via cheatsheet.com
Then again, making any such announcements today would be more than a bit on the nose even if such grandiose plans often founder later after fortunately only burning through relatively short money on feasibly studies and such.
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