National Napping Day recognizes our need to recover lost sleep following the return of daylight saving time.  Not only does National Napping Day encourage a nap today, it reminds us that there is no shame in taking one anytime of the year as well as that napping is a proven benefit to one’s heatlh.  A image

News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Hurrah for “naptime!”
A file photo

Today is National Napping Day!

Having a tough Monday after the switch to Daylight Savings Time?  If so, take a nap as today is National Napping Day!

Even better, given that many of those who are still fortunate enough to still be working are working remotely as well as that many of those not working are resting more comfortably given passable of the latest round of federal COVID-19 relief benefits, many more people will be able to catch midday siesta this year without anyone the wiser.

Bon chance, however, seeing one’s children older than kindergarten age take a nap.


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