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— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary

Showing skin while looking to be smoking a pinner
Image via Pinterest
For the most part, it was your basic but at the same time for a change a relatively quiet week in Quincy this past week. In particular, this past week was a bit light on the usual level of exposé grade local news.
Then again, a naked guy was reported to be in the lobby of the Quincy Marriott Hotel as well as said to be smoking marijuana was something out of the ordinary — even for Quincy.
Also reported by the Quarry is the story of a long frozen heavily-traveled sidewalk on a City of Quincy Bridge.
In fact, this sidewalk has been exposéd twice by the Quarry over the past two weeks.
That and also variously exposéd not just once but twice more times previously.

No snow or ice on “The Bridge No One Uses”
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
The key newsworthy hook here is that alternatively another nearby City of Quincy bridge that next to no one uses was yet again cleared down to the pavement per apparent standard operating procedure shortly after Quincy was hit with snow and then freezing rain ten days ago.
So much for scheduling but a few minutes to spread some salt on a nearby well-traveled run of frozen and thus dangerous city sidewalk, however.
Or taking care of any of a number of other icy elsewheres for that matter.

The all but invariably more than well-salted City Hall VIP parking lot
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo image
After all, it is not like the City of Quincy is light on salt even if it is often curious where it is used as well as where else not so much, if at all.
Speaking of using and not using, drug use in Quincy continues to be a problem.
A huge and then some problem.
To this verity, apparently a drug bust went down in Quincy Point this past week.
Specifically, the bust apparently happened in an old strip mall along Washington Street on the south side of the street just east of Washington’s intersection with Southern Artery.

The Needles and the Damage Done
A image
Curiously, however, for all of the sturm und drang heard on the publicly accessible Quincy police radio channel, there was no word heard of an arrest on trafficking charges.
Not by the Quarry’s Police Radio Scanner Monitor anyway.
In turn, such poses posing the possibility of the suspected street dealer cutting a deal at the curb to rollover up his drug distribution food chain.
After all, there is not much to be said in favor of spending time in lock-up.

“Look, we can make things easy for you or we can make them ugly — your choice.”
An old picture via WBUR
And finally, as potholes will also always be among us — at least in Quincy anyway, as a public service announcement Quincy Quarry reminded locals to report potholes to the City of Quincy’s Department of Public Works.
That and provided a link to the three options to report potholes.
Reasons for reporting potholes include not only the obvious need to fill the potholes, but also that the City of Quincy will only reimburse victims of pothole damage if the guilty pothole has been reported to it.

Sinkhole, pothole — whatever …
Image via the Los Angeles Times
That and so as to also endeavor to help to protect first responders from undo harm.
Quincy News, news about Quincy, MA - Breaking News - Opinion
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