— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
Four days after Quincy Quarry News exposéd how the well-traveled by pedestrians sidewalk for Paul Harold Bridge — the bridge next to Petco in Quincy Center and once known as The Bridge to Nowhere — was still frozen four days after an ice storm and thus dangerous to pedestrians, Quincy Quarry found that the sidewalk was still frozen yesterday afternoon.
Dangerously frozen.
Further troubling, this run of frozen sidewalk was the only run of frozen sidewalk found anywhere in Quincy by the Quarry personnel following up on this icy exposé.
Further, while the Quarry was on frozen scene, a passing irate pedestrian understandably grumbled “how tough would it be to salt this sidewalk?”

“Not my job — I just like posing in my City of Quincy fleece vest.”
A still image from a YouTube video.
How tough indeed?
Granted, most of last week’s daily high temperates were below to well below freezing.
At the same time, it is only fair to note that the MBTA promptly dispatched a seven person crew to refill its Quincy Center station’s salt bin but a day after the Quarry exposéd how the same freezing rain over a week ago turned the T’s property around the station into a dangerous ice sheet that apparently took down at least a handful of likely straphangers.
While the Quarry cannot be certain if its hard-hitting coverage was seen by the T and so spurned it into action, it is conversely all but certain who all have been tasked by the Koch Machine to monitor the Quarry have been slacking as the above noted run of City of Quincy sidewalk is still not cleared of ice four days after Quincy Quarry first exposéd the city’s slacking, not to mention that last night’s light snowfall surely only added to the sidewalk’s perilous accumulation of snow and ice even as less cold weather and heavy rain is expected to hit Quincy over the next few days.
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I’m confused. Why would a person walk a bridge to nowhere?
Your confusion is understandable. The onetime “Bridge to Nowhere” was turned into bridge that went places when the Hannon Parkway was built roughly a decade after the bridge was built. Conversely, the nearby Generals Bridge is “The Bridge No One Uses” as it is dangerous for pedestrians to use to cross Burgin Parkway, not to mention is not convenient to use to go anywhere.
Well, if the city does nothing people will sue if they get hurt.
Ms. Drew,
Can sue, sure. Will sue, who knows.
Regardless, Morgan & Morgan has to be licking its chops.