News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Snow piled up rather than just salted<br?.A Quincy Quarry Citizen Photojournalist photo

Latest Snow Jobs Exposéd Part 3: Snow Team Six blows past Felix Unger?

Given post-Thursday night’s light snowfall clean up effort of Kim Jong Koch Plaza in front of Quincy’s City Hall by its obsessive-compulsive Snow Team Six members who collectively make Felix Under look like Oscar Madison, Quincy Quarry can only properly suggest the apparent need for either SSRI’s or a benzodiazepine, if not also that Snow Team Six also be used as an example to at least some Department of Public Works and Department of Natural Resources, née Park and Rec Department, employees on how to do their jobs.

That and also pointing out how Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch would clearly appear to have overstaffed Snow Team Six as well as expensively so as they have so much time on their hands that they have clearly crossed over into dysfunctional ends/means inversion make work work practices.

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Blowing it with leaf blowers in late February
A Quincy Quarry News Photo Recon Team photo

On top of the Quincy Quarry News photos which clearly document the cleanup overkill while still amidst a 36-hour snow event, the Quarry personnel on the scene counted five city workers still cleaning on the scene during a lull in the snowstorm, two of whom were using leaf blowers to blow what few leaves are still here and there after their having dropped from nearby evergreen bushes.

Granted, there is much to be said for neat and clean; however, there is even more to be said about both city workers taking care of the rest of Quincy during a snowstorm as well as for Mayor Koch not undertaking proper fiduciary and operational management practices when it comes to has maladministration’s cavalier spending of taxpayers’ tax payments.

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