— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary

Radar-based image of Ocean Effect Snow
Image via UCAR/weatherworksinc.com
Snow is forecast as a possibility on Wednesday along the South Shore.
Granted, the forecast is but for a chance of a light “Ocean Effect” snow showers.
At the same time, all it takes is little more than a dusting of snow to turn streets into slip and slides for drivers.
Drivers including many who have forgotten how to drive in the snow given recent light snowfall winters.
But not to worry for Quincy’s two City Halls as surely Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s fabled Snow Team Six have probably laid in salt as well as serviced its considerable as well as expansive assortment of snow clearing equipment — especially as compared to what less is in place for the City of Quincy Department of Public Works to take “care” of local streets given that this year’s snow and ice budget line item was the only significantly cut budget line item by the otherwise free to arguably profligate spending Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch.
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