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Old school media sometimes still scoops new media Quincy Quarry News
An old image

The South Shore broadsheet scooped Quincy Quarry News for a change with its reporting of five bomb threats posed against two local schools.

Two bomb threats were called in to Quincy High School on Wednesday shortly after lunchtime and a third threat was lodged late in the morning on Thursday.

Students at Quincy High were dismissed for the day on Wednesday and evacuated on Thursday.

Point Webster Middle School was also subjected to two threats in the early afternoon on Thursdays via two close upon each phone calls.

Parents of Point Webster students were alerted via the school district’s instant alert messaging system but Point Webster students were not evacuated from their school as authorities had determined that these threats were not credible.

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Tracing the calls
A file photo

As for the caller or callers, one can only assume that communication technology will all but assuredly be able to trace the calls back to the sender(s) even if the caller(s) used a burner phone.

The public knowing who called in the threats, however, is less certain.

For example, if the caller(s) is a minor, student privacy regulations would seal matters from the public so as long as law enforcement does not press charges and so leaves things to the Quincy Public Schools Department to address.

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“You’re an idiot!”
A Paramount Television image

Similarly, if law enforcement does prosecute and whoever made the calls is a minor, other lesser privacy rules that can seal the identity of minors could apply.

As such, Quincy Quarry suggests that its every growing legions of loyal readers monitor local Facebook groups as local helicopter moms are sure to be sharing the dirt ASAP online.

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