A Manuel Harlan/Tina Turner Music image


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Tina Turner performing live at the Carlton House in Quincy MA in 1977
A Mucka FInyardi/Old School Boston image

Tina Turner died quietly at her home in Küsnacht, Switzerland on Wednesday after bravely as well as privately battling a long illness that finally took her life.

Ms. Turner has one of the most storied and wide-ranging careers in modern music.

From her start in rhythm and blues to later seeing great success in a wide range of other musical genres, she came to be widely acclaimed as one of music’s greatest performers.

She also had good runs in acting and a variety of other endeavors as well as was a force of nature nonpareil.

Great success notwithstanding, she retained a quiet humility even as she was widely beloved by many in music, including not readily expected awe from MIck Jagger and what could only view as profound brotherly love from David Bowie.

Then again such was only deserved as she was simply the best.

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