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– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added

$33 million more, $36 million more, whatever….<br/>An old Facebook
This week was quite a week as it featured Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s proposed Fiscal Year 2024 budget.
Mayor Koch’s koched-up budget proposal blew past last year’s record setting increase as well as did so going away.
Duly adjusted, the proposed increase is breathtaking 9.8% higher than last year revised final budget appropriation.
Accordingly, Quincy Quarry News’ Financial and Other Affairs desk is slogging through the mayor’s almost four hundred page budget book.
Fortunately, easily half of the budget book is, well, fluff.
Unfortunately, much of the rest not so much.
How much not so much?
Among other things worse, Mayor Koch is proposing typically 15% to 20% raises for roughly 80 senior suits and certain blue collar supervisors as well as a 25% increase proposed for his Chief of Staph Pinocchio Walkbacker and just short of 33% for his Director of Operations and Events Planner Helen “Wheels” Murphy.
Conversely, over 90% of the rest of City of Quincy employees are looking at 3% raises this year.
The good news: proposing such self-dealing fat pay raises for the few in an election year could prove to eventually be seen as the first step towards the well-deserved end of the Koch Maladministration.
After all, the proposed raises for City Hall hacks work out to giving rise to a near $50 increase on the average assessed value residential property tax bill come Calendar Year 2024.
Worth it, however, likely not so much.
Even worse, in total Mayor Koch’s proposed spending increase looks to likely to result in a $300 to $400 or perhaps even greater property tax bill increase on the average assessed value Quincy residence next year per what limited data are currently available to project such things.
Accordingly, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry monitoring things and report on same when and as appropriate.
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