Image via the Los Angeles Times


– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News


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The First Rule of Holes is to stop digging …
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Traffic in part of Quincy ground to a halt on Thursday even if trafficking locally otherwise continues unabated.

The problem?  An excavation project that had commenced overnight along Sea Street near Quincy’s Department of Public Works headquarters and then covered over with steel plates per standard practice so as to accommodate daytime traffic on Thursday. 

Unfortunately, per the Quarry’s Police Scanner monitor, a bus popped at least one of the steel plates out of place and so resulted in a couple of lanes closed to traffic.

The only good news to this breaking badly bad news© was that the bus did not end up stuck in the hole.

| quincy news

Seeing red …
Image via Bloomberg

Southbound traffic, however, ended up so backed up along Quincy Shore Drive that it was pretty much a parking lot starting at around Quincy Shore’s intersection with East Squantum Street.

And per a Quincy Quarry News Citizen Traffic monitor, repair work was still underway at 9 pm Thursday night.

No comment from the Quincy Department of Public Works, much less the mayor’s office, however.

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