Quincy Red Line tracks and a wiffle bat? Red Line next up for a makeover?
– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Quarry’s widely anticipated latest exposé hits the rails of the MBTA.
Concurrent with the General Manager of the MBTA finding himself busted when he very much less than adroitly endeavored to deflect rumors that the MBTA might be considering to inflict a regular rail service shutdown on the Red Line so as to then endeavor to undertake a maintenance makeover akin to what is currently underway on the Orange Line, Quincy Quarry News was already hard at work working a related story.
Specifically, the head of the T did himself in when he oh so transparently ill-stated that “…the MBTA doesn’t plan to shut down the Red Line from end to end” and thus obviously left the door wide open for the T to instead opt to go with partial shutdowns of Red Line rail service.
Concurrently, Quincy Quarry personnel had already spotted things disconcerting with the Red Line’s rails.
Likely problems were readily seen from the North Quincy Station passenger platform and so gave rise to pause as to what all may be the case along all of the Red Line’s track.
Examples of disconcerting findings include a looking to be a deep cavity into what should be solid steel.
Granted, this cavity was found in rail in the low train speed area of the station; even so, such a flaw is still a structural flaw.
Quincy Quarry also found connection points of rails to be showing signs of uneven wear and thus a sign of at least less than smooth and well-aligned track, if not also a possible indication of added stress at the critical points that are the joinings of rails.

Likely less than spot on joining of rails, left; likely even less well-joined rails and a possible reason why, right.
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

A “divoted” abandoned rail littering North Quincy station track
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Then again, Red Line straphangers are well-accustomed to less than smooth rides while riding the rails.
In fact, very much all too well-accustomed to bumpy commutes.
That and of late less frequent as well as still continuing to be less than reliable service.
Also troubling was seeing a rail with a serious divot of a sort left as litter along the tracks.
Not only is such considerable litter unsightly, one can only wonder what caused a considerable divot cut into steel.
On the bright side of things, what looked to be replacement rails were found pre-positioned for laying.
Unknown at this time, however, are these rails to be laid after closing time or during some sort of suspension of rail service along some of the Red Line?
Needless to say, count on Quincy Quarry News to monitor this troubling situation.
That and also count on the Quarry to report back to its ever-growing legions of loyal readers both when as well as might be warranted.
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The first photo indicates defective “solid steel” rails were provided by their supplier. Subsequent photos also indicate sub-standard rails were provided by the supplier. Will Mayor Koch file yet another lawsuit, this time as Chairman of the MBTA Board of Directors? The supplier of these rails could claim this damage was obviously caused by rats.
Are you thinking four-legged rats, two-legged ones or perhaps both?