Joey Chestnut yet again top hot dog
– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added

The winner and yeat again world champion hot dog eater Joey Chestnut
An Andrew Kelly/Reuters file photo image
Joey Chestnut wins his fifteenth world hot dog eating championship.
While competing in pain with a foot in a walking cast boot given an Achilles tendon injury, Chestnut cruised to an easy win by eating almost half again as many hot dogs as the runner-up downed.
At least for a while anyway.
And as for cruising, Joey only ate sixty-three hot dogs in ten minutes, thirteen hot dogs less than his world record of seventy-six tube stakes downed at last year’s world championship.
This event is held every year on the Fourth of July at Coney Island in the Brooklyn borough of New York City and is sponsored by Nation’s Famous Beef Franks.
Related news: Joey Chestnut manhandles animal rights protester before the start of competition.
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Stupid human tricks.