Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Quarry Stories write themselves


– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added


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Now, if only I knew how to touch type …
A Quincy Quarry news file photo

Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Quarry Stories write themselves

They really do.


In fact, Quincy Quarry’s rewrite desk usually has to tone things down before they go to press or people might start questioning Quincy Quarry News’ veracity even if things recounted are what they all too often gobsmackingly are.

In any event, this week was rife with a wide assortment of treats for the evergrowing legions of loyal Quincy Quarry News readers.

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Traffic is even bad along Kim Jong Koch Plaza …
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo

First, up Quarry personnel happened upon Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s Snow Team Six rolling out their mini tractor rides for rides even if but short ones along the plaza.

Very short rides as well as with next to nothing being schlepped in their cargo bins.

Then from Salem came news of a drunk trucker whacking a house.

This time, however, unlike what happened with the most recent house whacking trucker in Quincy, this trucker was neither a state trooper nor did his whacking occur in the Q where the motor vehicle code is more like guidelines when it comes to the Quincy Police Department..

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OK, who let Curley behind the wheel?
An old Columbia Pictures image

Speaking of the Quincy Police Department, the Quarry busted the QPD over various of its rides that one might view to be little more than toys for not exactly grown-up boyos.

And then things moved along to the font of all of the koched-up spending in Quincy: the capos of La Kocha Nostra..

This week the Quincy City Council formally approved a record-setting $27 million spending increase for Fiscal Year 2023 and which starts next month.

In turn, this twenty-seven large increase works out to of just short of 8% higher than this year’s spending

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“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” An old MGM image

This koched-up spending increase is twice that of Weymouth and roughly half again higher than the increases planned by Braintree and Boston with most other Massachusetts municipalities’ increases falling somewhere in between.

And in raw dollars sorts of terms, all-inclusive city spending in FY 2023 will be just sort of twice what was budgeted when Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch first came into office fourteen years ago. 

Granted, there have been fourteen years of inflation, but Mayor Koch has increased city spending by twice the rate of inflation.

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Drink the Kool Aid
A Facebook photo

Unfortunately, locals could not see the approval of the meeting live on Koch Omnivision Unlimited, formerly known as Quincy Access Television as it failed to broadcast live the City Council meeting.

Moreover, Koch Omnivision then also failed to post it for streaming online.

At least it did not do so until after Quincy Quarry chided Koch Ominvision over what surely was but an inadvertent shortcoming by the vertically challenged überload who dictates the programming locals are allowed to see or, more importantly in this instance did not duly make available to the public.

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Will local taxpayers riot?
An old Universal Pictures image

After all, if he did not keep a lid on what the people are not to be allowed to see, things would likely become ugly for him.

Wicked ugly.

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