– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy snowfall snow jobs happen …
Last night’s passing snow flurries gave rise to Quincy Quarry’s City Editor sending the Quarry’s long-suffering and at least as long abused intern out and about before dawn to survey the impacts of the storm.
As is all too often the case when snow hits the fan locally, the findings were a mixed bag on the ever-increasing mean and now mostly snow-covered streets of Quincy.

Washington Street cleared, side streets in the Point not so much …
Conjoined Quincy Quarry News exclusive images
While local main arterials were well-cleared via mostly suspected salting as opposed to plowing, residential side streets were typically found to be in whiteout condition.
Granted, the snowfall was only around perhaps an inch or thereabouts, an inch of snow is more than sufficient to cause motor vehicles to slip and slide.

City Hall VIP parking lot down the pavement, left; City Hall steps awaiting salt, center; and nice touch clearing the mayor’s city ride’s windshield, most other windows, and the hood, right
Conjoined Quincy Quarry News exclusive images
Even more problematic, however, was the latest round of all but innumerable snow jobs at Quincy’s two city halls and the adjacent Kim Jong Koch Plaza.

A City Hall Snow Team Six snow clearing fail
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
After the recent failure to see snow cleared from the CIty Hall VIP parking lot before dawn in the wake of the only significant snowfall of the year so far which hit the Q earlier this month, snow from last night’s storm was fully cleared down to the pavement in the parking lot as well as similarly so at nearby Kim Kong Joch Plaza by Snow Team Six, the City of Quincy’s exclusively dedicated to taking care of the plaza grounds maintenance crew, before 6:15 AM this morning.
Needless to say, one can only reasonably assume that Snow Team Six probably got an earful over their less than timely performance during the actually significant snowstorm earlier this month.
Even so, while Kim Jong Koch Plaza and City Hall were cleared down to the pavement before sunrise this morning, Snow Team Six is apparently not tasked with duly clearing snow off of the sidewalk in front of the Quincy Visitors Center in the controversially now city-owned Munroe Building or the building itself.

Kim Jong Koch Plaza cleared of snow but the sidewalk in front of the Quincy Visitors Center in the now city-owned Munroe Building not so much
Conjoined Quincy Quarry News exclusive images
Then again, there are reasons to suspect that perhaps the former owner of the Munroe building is continuing to be engaged in at least some of the maintenance of the building and thus such things continue to be less than they could as well as should be.
In any event, one should thus prepare for the worst as another storm expected to hit Eastern Massachusetts starting on Friday night and continuing until Saturday night is currently projected to not only turn out to be more of a snow event than a rainy one than was originally expected, the potential snowfall is currently projected to be in the nine to as much as sixteen-inch range.
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry’s evergrowing legions of loyal readers can count on it to monitor how quickly, thoroughly, and likely repeatedly City Hall’s VIP parking lot will be plowed during the anticipated weekend snowstorm even if City Hall will be closed over the weekend and thus not a prime snow plowing need.
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