– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Public Schools announce a Community Forum in response to recent student protests over racial and gender Hate Speech said to be permeating their social media.
The forum was set for tonight at 5 pm and will be held at the Quincy High School auditorium.
The forum is said to be geared for parents and guardians of local school students.
So what, apparently, for the fact that those who are protesting are protesting about the abuse inflicted upon them are local public school students.
In any event, the forum will likely feature the usual sorts of fatuous statements by local officials designated to be event flak catchers as well as does include meeting facilitation by the usual sorts of outsiders who work a manner of educational motivational speaking geared to school assemblies that are targeted to address racial and sexual harassment hate speech that is apparently rife at apparently a least a handful of the larger public schools in Quincy.

There must be a campaign fund fundraising event already scheduled
A Quincy Quarry PhotoShop Phun Team graphic
At the same time, Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch, and who is thus also the Chair of the School Committee, is conspicuous by his absence on the list of people who will be on the dais at tonight’s forum and so facing-off opposite at least some angry parents and guardians.
Then again, given that Quincy Quarry views this event as a BYOT event (“Bring Your Own Tomatoes”), one can only assume that Mayor Koch wants to keep his dry cleaning bills under control even if the odds are that they are comped, hence – again – the naming of designated flak catchers.
In any event, the Quincy Quarry News shot clock continues to tick until such time as Chair of the School Committee and Mayor Thomas P. Koch might finally make a public statement on the recent, apparently still also ongoing, and very troubling events at local public schools.
At this point, after a quick as well as fruitless review by Quincy Quarry New’s long-suffering intern of various forums available to Mayor Koch to offer up comment, if not more appropriately yet another mea culpa, however likely to again be a faux one, the Quarry’s shot clock is up to three hours and still ticking.
Bring your own tomatoes! Now that is funny! Has the Quincy Quarry’s bookie set the odds for show or no show at tonight’s event?