– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry with commentary added.

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Quincy Quarry News flies low and slow
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Braintree High School Students walk of out classes to protest incidents of racial hatred.

In a fast-breaking news development at Braintree High School, WBZ TV has reported that Braintree students walked out of their classes this morning in protest of three alleged incidents of racism and as Quincy High School students first did last Friday. 

Needless to say, Quincy Quarry is going to have fire up its news copter so that it can cover breaking events as regards students protests in both Braintree and Quincy.

That and how Quincy’s City Hall has to be counting its lucky stars that the focus on the recent student protest(s) in Quincy might now be deflected given that student protesting is now also occurring in Braintree.

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