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Generalismo el Jeje
A meme

Mayor Thomas P, Koch hosts a private Generals Gala on public property.

For those who regularly have to pass through the trafficking in Quincy Square, surely at least most of them saw the massive erections of temporary open-air pavilions set up on the Edifice Complex that is Kim Jong Koch Plaza.

Why the buildings were thrown up, however, was not exactly duly made transparent by the Koch Maladministration, much less in a timely manner.

That and how along the way, things were first walled off and then screened off with black curtaining of a sort.

Even so, it eventually became known that the reason for things was to host a private soirée for honored guests tied to the just opened to the public Generals Park as well as the yet-to-be-completed adjacent Generals Bridge project.

In turn, the Quarry then dug even more deeply into matters and thus is commencing yet another hard-hitting series of exposés of the soft underbelly of the Koch Maladministration.

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Walling off from public view a private event on public property
A Quincy Quarry News

Things to be exposéd in the coming days will include cost projections of the likely well into six-figures events hosted by Mayor Koch this past weekend so as to both provide him with photo ops as well as to pimp for adoration.

And overall, Quincy Quarry will be addressing how declasse, gauche, gobsmackingly extravagant, and even in bad taste at times things at times as well as overall.

How bad was the taste?   Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s yet again favoring his hip skinny suit blue shade of suit with brown shoes rate as but barely worthy of a $25 citation from the Fashion Police by comparison.

As for the many other violations, however, Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to throw the book at Quincy’s peerless mayor.

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