– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Unmarked mini-tractor exposéd while apparently spraying weeds under cover of darkness in Quincy Center.
A Quincy Quarry News Photojournalist who is also a night owl scored photos of an unmarked as well as license plateless mini tractor rolling along in a mostly residential area of Quincy Center at approximately 4:30 AM Wednesday morning and thus before daybreak.
The Quarry Photojournalist also noticed that the minitractor’s operator appeared to be spraying weeds along the side of the street under cover of darkness.

A Kim Jong Koch Plaza Snow Team Six ride as well as an apparent match. A Quincy file photo
Granted, while the mini-tractor was unmarked as well as did not have license plates, it clearly appears to be an exact match of the two mini-tractors that are all but assuredly dedicated to the over-the-top maintenance of Kim Jong Koch Plaza in front of Quincy’s two City Halls.
Additionally, one can only reasonably assume that the tractor which was apparently spraying weeds probably belongs to the City of Quincy.
Also reasonable to assume is that the tractor was probably spraying a herbicide.
What sort of herbicide is uncertain, however, as Quincy Quarry was not able to secure a sample for testing in such fashion as to assure a proper chain of custody.
Plus, 4:30 AM is not a time when anyone can expect to be able to reach a city official to ask just exactly what it was that was being sprayed in a mostly residential neighborhood.
Or ever receive a forthright answer for that matter.
That or see a Quincy Police cruiser dispatched to investigate a suspicious motor vehicle on the ever-increasingly mean as well as now also problematic streets of Quincy.
Further, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers know that answers from the Koch Maladministration are not going to happen whenever Quincy Quarry News is the inquisitor as the maladministration knows all too well that, unlike other area media, the Quarry cannot be spun by a spewing of bovine byproduct.
If you bothered to find out instead of running your mouth it has City of Quincy written on the hood.
Prove it, instead of running your mouth.
Mr. Deere,
On top of the fact that your post is less than clearly written, the photos of the tractor out and about on Quincy streets in the dark of night do not feature good angles to see ANYTHING on its hood. In any event, thank you for confirming that it is a city vehicle as it did not have license plates. Can you also confirm just what was being sprayed?
Take a ride by their garage and you can see them parked in it. Isn’t being part of a journalist to investigate and fact check your stores before publishing.
Deere in the headlights:
Are you really saying that someone who just happened to be at the right place at the right time of 4:30 in the morning should be able to get dressed and then jump into a ride to tail an apparently unmarked minitractor with no license plates that is spraying something unknown before that tractor disappears into the dark of night?
Next, did you miss that the Quarry’s coverage duly qualified all that warranted qualifying?
Conversely, checking out minitractors parked in some garage later proves nothing other than perhaps similarity.
No — ” being part of a journalist” would be maybe an arm or a foot, like you’ve planted firmly in your mouth.
You don’t even make sense.
It is not Quincy Quarry’s problem that your reading comprehensive skills are lacking.
Yes. Instead of being a wannabe keyboard warrior journalist reporting garbage news.
Actually, this Quincy Quarry story is about a mystery.
Don’t you ever read your own word salad?
A comical lack of rational sentence structure, a consistent lack of punctuation, and substandard spelling isn’t exactly a position from which to critique the sense or nonsense of someone else’s commentary.
I suspect you have a thought disorder (TD), among other disorders. Seek help.
With a name like Fredzo I suspect you like to hand out candy to children from your van. Or do you ask them to help find your puppy?
Mr. Deere,
While Quincy Quarry has among the most liberal posting policies around, even it has its limits, Section 230 notwithstanding. Accordingly, absent your providing formal findings of fact, please be advised that you have been warned and that there will not be a second warning.
Now we’re really getting somewhere!
A person with derailment — a thought disorder — talks in chains of only semi-related ideas. Their ideas often fall further and further from the topic of conversation. For example, a person with derailment thought disorder might jump from talking about rabbits to the hair on their head to your sweater. So, there it is.
That being said, it seems that you’re also trying your hand at PROJECTION — imbuing someone else with qualities that you possess yourself. So tell me, do you try those ploys from your little Kubota?
“Is that what you do”. Quite the original comeback.
Very weak response, Johnny boy.
Just admit it, you’ll feel better.
Wait a minute — Fredzo never said “Is that what you do”.
Who are you talking to and who and what are you talking about?
Dom, you’re asking the wrong person.