News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Cleared wide and to the pavement for a change
A Quincy Quarry SkyCam© exclusive photo

Latest Snow Jobs Exposéd Part 1: Finally, a snowstorm the City of Quincy can handle?

Quincy Quarry has no other choice per its balanced and fair coverage doctrine to note that City of Quincy snow clearing workers have so far been able to deal with clearing snow during the still ongoing expected to be as long as thirty-six hour-long run of light snow flurries that are expected to total up to perhaps six inches or so of light fluff by the time the flurries abate tomorrow.

In fact, in a further gobsmacking surprise, snow clearing personnel even managed to see to it that the relatively well-traveled sidewalk along the perimeter of the main Crane Library buildings in Quincy Center was cleared for a change.

| quincy newsThen again, the light snowfall so far and not much more expected to follow has been readily managed via road salt and which the Koch Machine had spread all but all night overnight as well as into the early morning hours.

On the other hand, it is only fair to note that at least certain City of Quincy Department of Public, Building Maintenance, and Parks Department workers have made driving around into an art form.

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