— News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

Picking up a pizza before game time!
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
Super Bowl Sunday Snowstorm Post Game recap.
Both snow and all sorts of related things hit the fan in the Q during yesterday’s hours long, steady, and all but unrelenting snowfall.
About the only good things about yesterday’s deepest local snowfall of the year so far are that the snow fell on a quiet Sunday during primarily daylight hours, the snow was relatively lighter and fluffier and so making for easier clearing, and there was little to essentially no wind to give rise to any substantial snow drifting.
Even so, there was still some suspected, if not likely, snow clearing grifting.
After all, we’re talking the Q.
That and it was a Super Bowl Sunday.
For example, pretreating local streets with brine or at least rock salt was not readily apparent anywhere in the Q.
Additionally, plows were slow to hit the mean, cold, and for most of the day white streets of the Q until well into the storm.
No word – not yet anyway – if any of the snowplow truck drivers were warming up before hitting local streets while also perhaps grumbling in their beer over having to stream the Super Bowl on their smartphones if they wanted to watch the game, however.
Regardless, given Quincy Quarry’s goal of striving for proving balanced and fair coverage, the Quarry has to note that by this morning the streets that its newshounds have traveled today were in generally good shape for a refreshing change.

Amazingly a City of Quincy mini-plow actually plowed sidewalks outside of Quincy Square.
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive day after the storm image
In fact, one Quincy Quarry staffer is of a mind that the streets near this staffer’s residence were surely but coincidently well-cleared for change in the wake of this reporter’s previous and mostly hard-hitting critiques of snow clearing efforts in this reporter’s neighborhood.
At the same time, it is also only fair to the Koch Machine did catch a break with this storm: while the actual snowfall was in excess of most forecast but not Quincy Quarry’s expectations, the snow that fell fell during mostly the day on a quiet Sunday, was fluffy and light and thus easy to clear as well as there was little wind and thus no snow drifting.
That and it does help that many locals who are still employed are working remotely, local school students are mostly already engaging in distance learning, today is likely a snow day for classroom students, surely at least a few people have called out sick after staying up late and imbibing care of catching their Super Bowl, and the sun was shining brightly this morning in a clear blue sky even if the temperature is expected to stay in the twenties all of the day today.
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