News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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The Grim Reaper keeps on reaping COVID victims
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Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch announces change in tabulating local COVID-19 fatalities.

While it took the Quincy Quarry City Editor having to offer a bounty of a boosted bar tab after the pandemic allows returning to one’s favorite watering hole to take the edge off after the end of covering the usually breaking badly bad news of the day in the Q, someone was thus finally recruited to review Quincy Mayor Koch’s latest COVID-19 and so give rise to uncovering a surprising new development.

Specifically, Quincy Quarry has been wondering why the City of Quincy has not announced any new COVID-19 deaths during a handful of recent weeks during which time statewide fatalities conversely spiked along with infection rates given the suspected impact of holiday travel and ill-advised holiday gatherings.

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Dressing for effect?
A still image from a YouTube image

Now, however, the Quarry knows why no new local COVID-19 fatalities have not been announced in recent weeks.

During Mayor Koch’s latest YouTube COVID-19 update, the mayor goes on and on about how the City of Quincy would be facilitating Manet Community Health Care’s opening and operating a new local COVID-19 vaccination facility at 180 Old Colony Street near Merrymont Park, only to then slip it in at the end of his video update that the City of Quincy would only be announcing local COVID-19 deaths once a week going forward.

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Tell us yet another story Pinochicco
An old ill-advised Facebook posting

Apparently, the city officials have been having trouble tabulating the fortunately modest number of also occasional fatalities while far more new cases are tabulated daily, including Mayor Koch’s bout of COVID-19 shortly after the recent holidays. 

After all, Mayor Koch offered up the telling tell of no explanation offered for this curious change at a point when COVID-19 fatalities statewide have again moderated after the recent second wave of COVID-19 infections has abated.

Regardless, one would hope Mayor Koch’s COVID-19 infection was duly tabulated even if the mayor’s absence from work will out sick was kept secret until after he returned to work after being MIA for over a couple of weeks.

And finally, one can only reasonably assume any future fatality updates will be announced on the all but invariably wicked slow news cycle day that is a typical Friday.

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