– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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COVID-19 continues to plague the Q
A CDC image via the AP

Quincy remains solidly in the COVID-19 Red Zone for a third straight week.

Christmas holiday notwithstanding, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health managed to release its weekly COVID-19 update on a schedule.

In turn, Quincy so got a lump of coal for Christmas this year.

That and suffered at least several more COVID-19 deaths in recent days.

While admittedly, Quincy’s COVID-19 metrics were down, the declines on the key stats were down by but 5% and 3.5%, respectively after two weeks of 30% to 50% fifty percent weekly increases,

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COVID-19 testing swab
Image via the New York Department of Public Heatlh

At the same time, however, it must be noted that Quincy’s positive testing rate is now running higher than the statewide average.

That and how COVID -19 infection rates are continuing to increase in the communities surrounding Quincy.

In other words, it is too soon to tell if the modest declines in Quincy’s COVID-19 infection rate metrics this week represent but a pause or a highwater mark, however much unlikely is the later given only to be expected further increases in infections in the wake of likely less to very much less than appropriate pandemic mitigating behavior over the Christmas and New Year’s holidays.

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