Quincy’s high school students have been in a hybrid learning model for less than three weeks.  A Greg Derr/Patriot Ledger image

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Halloween scare?
Image via buzz-caribbean.com

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

Halloween party forces two week closure of North Quincy High School.

Long ongoing admonitions to behave responsibly notwithstanding, roughly seventy and apparently mostly North Quincy High School students participated in a large Halloween event over the weekend and so giving rise to a cessation of in-class instruction at North Quincy High School for at least two weeks.

Word on the ever-increasingly mean and now perhaps also even more COVID-19 unsafe is that posting selfies from the party on social media helped exposé the party.

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Quincy School Department headquarters
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

In turn, in an abundance of purported caution, Quincy Public Schools officials opted to return North Quincy High School to fully remote learning from a but recently implemented hybrid model for at least two weeks as well as that germane city officials have encouraged party participants to both be tested as well as self-quarantine.

At the same time, Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch, who is also thus the Chair of the School Committee, opted to work both sides of the plate as regards the actions of these irresponsible students at his final alma mater as regards an actual graduation for him. 

That and hold off discussion of the public health emergency at his terminal alma mater until well after offering up his usual vapid, if not also banal, banter, in his latest COVID-19 YouTube.

In other words, spin.

At no time, however, did he acknowledge that for at least one day during the most recent Massachusetts Department of Public Health COVID-19 weekly report period that Quincy did for one day go into the Red Zone and which Quincy Quarry News has long been suggesting was likely.

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A Til Death do us Part Late Nite Catechism issue

Further, the suspension of in-class instruction could readily be seen as both rewarding the miscreant students who flouted social distancing guidelines as well as undeservedly punishing roughly a dozen times more innocent students.

Needless to say, as ever more Massachusetts communities are expected to end up in the Red Zone, Quincy Quarry will continue to monitor upcoming Department of Public Health weekly COVID-19 reports.

Source: Officials: Halloween party forces 2-week closure of North Quincy High

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