– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News.
City of Quincy worker caught distracted behind the wheel of a city vehicle.
Yet again, Quincy Quarry exposés dangerous shortcomings within the operations of the Koch Machine. Care of one of Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing cadre of Citizen Photojournalists comes a photograph of a City of Quincy Department of Natural Resources, (née Park and Recreation Department) employee looking to be texting while driving or perhaps gaming on the already ever-increasingly mean and dangerous streets of Quincy.

Hands on cellphone and tablet use is a surchargeable moving violation in MA. Image via Weekly Villager
The Quarry was further advised that the apparently distracted city employee driver was so distracted that he failed to notice that the red traffic light where he was stopped had turned green until a driver behind him leaned on her but more likely his horn.
Granted, while the photograph does not perfectly display this particular distracted driver’s portable electronic communication device, the Quarry has no reason to doubt the veracity of this Citizen Photojournalist’s word that there was one in the driver’s lap.
Absolutely none whatsoever.
Plus, as well as more importantly, the photo could be used to identify the clearly dangerous distracted driver.
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry would call on City Hall to undertake a proper investigation and then sanctioning of this distracted driving scofflaw where it not for the fact that everyone among Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers know that what should be done will not be done.
At least not until a serious distracted driving accident happens.
He’s just suicidal, like most Massholes.