– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News.
Fireworks fizzling in Quincy?
After weeks of Quincy nights sounding identical to a war zone or Brockton and the Q’s night skies lit up by probably lit up local pyromaniacs launching skyrockets as their own pocket rockets are probably more like all but impotent bang snaps, exploding fireworks were relatively few and far between the night after the Fourth of July.
Unclear, however, is if the relatively moderate outbursts of gunpowder fireworks last night is a sign that the immature pyromaniacs have shot off their wads or if last night’s natural fireworks of lightning and thunder care of a passing storm front subjected them to a cold shower.
Needless to say, Quincy Quincy ever growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to monitor the situation and report back as might be appropriate.
In the meanwhile, things continue to be sleepless in Quincy as we head into hot and steamy summer nights that are not of the fun sort of hot and steamy nights.
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