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Perry Jameson
Quincy Quarry’s Assistant Publisher and Acting Publisher

Scam of the Week: “I am a qualified photographer!”

Ya, right …

Quincy Quarry’s technical staff, fully experienced with frauds and scams, brings this story to our readers’ attention as a public service message as well as as the Quarry’s inaugural scam of the week exposé.

As the Quincy Quarry is only available online, one can thus only reasonably assume that its ever growing legions of loyal readers have internet access and so become unwitting victims of internet fraudsters.

This week’s featured email scam involves a purported woman who calls herself “Mellie,” “Mel,” or “Melisha” via emails telling you that she is either a “licensed” and sometimes also a “qualified” photographer (whatever that is), you have stolen her photographs, and are using them on your website.

She further claims “It’s illicitly (sic) to use stolen images and it’s so mean!” and “(I)t’s a disruption (sic) to my rights!”  She also claims: “You have no any (sic) rights to use my images for your domen!”  

Whatever a “domen” is, but it sure sounds bad!

Mel and Melisha would also appear to love using exclamation marks.

Then again, it appears that exclamation marks are the hallmark of email scammers.  Have a look at this video!!!

Melisha also seems to get around quickly. 

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Scam Central
An Alamy image

Her first email to Quincy Quarry was sent from South Africa and in her second email to the Quarry she claims to be in Toronto – so what if her email was sent from an IP address in Chile.

She also claims her website is shutterstock.com.  Yeah, right – trust me, shutterstock.com would sic its attorneys on you over the unauthorized use of its copyrighted images.

She goes on to insists you click on the very long link she includes in the email to see her photos.

Whatever you do – do NOT click on that link as it will give you a virus.

Want to learn more about Internet-related scams?  Visit: SCAM of the Week

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