– News & commentary from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Fish and visitors stink after three days.
Many parts of the world are past the three day mark at this point.
Way past it.
Even so, the Quarry continues to scour the news wire feeds and pound the likely now also Coronavirus-covered mean streets of the Q so as to bring its legions of loyal readers the news of the day they need to get through the current trying times.
That and winnow through the material sent Quincy Quarry’s way of late.
While Quarry staffers know that most of these submissions won’t get past the killjoys on the Quarry’s standards and practices desk, staffers keep reviewing the submissions in the hope of finding a snarky as well as euphemistic nugget that can be slipped past – if not also to – the blue-suited blue noses.
That and also coming up with creative entries on expense account reports so as to camouflage the necessary uptick in Quincy Quarry newsroom adult libation needs during these trying times.
All in all, so far not only has the Quarry not ground to a halt, it recently commenced yet another still ongoing series of non-Coronavirus exposés of the woefully inept Koch Machine.
That and how Quarry readers can expect even more to follow as the exposés all but write themselves.
For example, how the Coronavirus economic downturn is sure to inflict even more delay to perhaps eventually see a positive rate of return on Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s many hundreds of millions of dollars in public spending spent in the hope of a seeing a new Quincy Center.

A City on the move towards Chapter 9?
An iconic Quincy Quarry file photo
So far, however, what has happened has typically been the incenting of so far but a few favored developers, certain of whom have surely but coincidentally have been generous to his campaign fund, to build a relatively few banal and sterile new buildings in Quincy Center and thus well short of the long ongoing grandiose talk of “A New Quincy Center.”
Over a decade of grandiose talk of “A New Quincy Center” as a matter of fact.
Likely impending new trouble with his grandiose plans for a New Quincy Center notwithstanding, one can still readily imagine the excuses to all too soon be coming out of City Hall given the now only to be expected slowdown of new development in Quincy Center.
After all, practice makes perfect.
Plus, a decline in the international economy can be worked to help cover tukases all the way down to the local level.
But not to worry.
In spite of Mayor Koch’s long ongoing failure to duly set aside anywhere near the recommended rainy day reserves, he can again overly whack the Quincy public schools’ budget to allow him to greatly mitigate actual cuts to other city activities and as he did in the wake of the Crash of 2008.
That and also whack local taxpayers to complete covering the nut as a spendthrift wants to keep spending.
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