Toilet paper has a become the ultimate symbol of the panic buying. Image via CBS or maybe CNN.

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Making do for #2 …
A Citizen Photojournalist image

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

As the coronavirus pandemic panic continues, households across the country are hunkering down and emptying out store shelves.

In particular, toilet paper has become the prime target of panicked shoppers

At the same time, the companies that supply toilet paper products are stunned but are trying to do what they can to respond to this rapidly evolving new normal in consumer household goods shopping behavior.

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Backyard bidet
A meme

“If you ask me why everyone is grabbing toilet paper, I can’t really explain it,” said Tom Sellars, CEO of Sellars Absorbent Materials in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  “It’s not like we are suddenly using more of it.  But the surge in demand could strain the supply chain,”

Even so, in time of crisis ingenuity comes to the fore and those without TP are coming up with creative ways to deal with #2.

Not so clear, is what will happen to TP providers and retailers when the hoarders finally realize that they have many months to years of TP on hand.

Source: Coronavirus Shopping: Toilet Paper Makers Say ‘What We Are Dealing With Here Is Uncharted’

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