CBS Boston’s Jon Keller takes a closer look at what fueled Bernie Sanders’ now-certain defeat.

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A couple of Bernie Bros propping up Bernie
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– News and commentary covered by Quincy Quarry News.

Bernie Sanders’ biggest problem is Bernie Sanders.

A commentator at a local major broadcast media asserts that Sanders’ biggest problem was not the “corporate media,” the Democratic “establishment,” Barack Obama’s friendship with Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren’s reluctance to endorse, or any other target of his many bitter grievances.

Rather, it is Bernie himself and a view with which Quincy Quarry agrees.

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As recently as less than two weeks ago, Senator Sanders was at the top of heap in polls. 

At this point, however, Sanders is again headed to also-ran status after Tuesday night’s round of even more primaries and even another caucus.  His fall from favor is the result of many factors, foremost among them are his familiar flaws.

For the commentator’s particulars, review them here.

Source: Keller: Bernie Sanders’ Biggest Problem Was Bernie Sanders

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