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Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren suffers an embarrassing defeat in Massachusetts Presidential Primary.
While former Vice President Joe Biden broke out of the pack to become a big winner nationwide in yesterday’s Super Tuesday presidential primaries, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren was the Massachusetts presidential primary’s biggest loser.
Not only did Warren finish a distant third in Massachusetts, she apparently did not do all that well with what one would think to be her prime demographic niches; for example, women.

An Elizabeth Warren action figure
A Kicktarter campaign graphic
Not only did Warren finish a distant third in Massachusetts, she apparently did not do all that well with what one would think to be her prime demographic niches;
For example, women voters.
Even more embarrassing, the surprise big win in Massachusetts by former Vice President Biden has to hurt even more for Warren as Biden not only all but assuredly spent less in Massachusetts than Michael Bloomberg’s Massachusetts campaign team spent on but coffee, the former vice president did not actively campaign in Massachusetts.
While Warren promised to fight on at a Detroit, Michigan campaign rally last night, one can only reasonably suspect that it’s all but ovah for her presidential aspirations.
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