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Image via Serious Eats
– News about Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: a Triple Koching of the Q.
After Quincy Quarry personnel failed to publish a new Weekly Fish Wrap after first succumbing to Thanksgiving Turkey Tryptophan Torpor and then binging on stuffed turkey sandwiches, football, and beer, the Weekly Fish Wrap is now back to recap a rare hat trick triple koching of Quincy locals by the Koch Maladministration.
First up, local property tax rates were officially approved for 2020 by the City Council to pay for this year’s koched-up 6.3% city spending increase – well over three times the rate of inflation – just as snowflakes began to hit the Q with its first consequential snowfall event of the season.
Even by the lowly standards of City Hall, the walking back of how the outsized 2020 residential property tax increase – which will be almost two and half times greater than last year’s increase – was actually a bargain was a hoot to hear even if soon to be painful to local taxpayers’ pockets.
So what for the obvious fact that the 2020 property tax whacking was ultimately the result of an unholy bargain struck by the City Council with Quincy’s wicked free-spending mayor when his well-larded annual city budget was approved last spring.
While the concurrent snowfall ended up to be only around four to maybe five inches in total and local main roads were for a change reasonably well and widely cleared as well as for the most part in time for the Tuesday morning commute, the clearing of side streets and salting of all local roads was underwhelming, especially given a forecast of an extended cold spell and thus very little snow melting was likely for days after the snowfall.
But not to worry, City Hall was thoroughly ploughed overnight, however red-eyed, as well as first thing in the morning.
In short, your tax dollars at work even if the rest of the Q was for the most part yet again Q’ed.
And as for the slap shot that completed the hat trick, on Wednesday the Koch Machine jammed the crease to both check the local Planning Board into the boards as well as set up the Planning Board to take the fall for approving yet another huge and dense multiple unit apartment building project in the Q.
This latest koched-up koching of the Q with dense and high end for Quincy rental housing is now slated to be jammed into a quiet neighborhood of mostly single family homes in the second highest assessed value residential neighborhood in the Q and which was arguable predicted by Quincy Quarry over five years ago.
Then again, surely it was but a coincidence that the latest local neighborhood to be Q’ed will at the same time set the stage to benefit yet another group of generous mayoral campaign fund contributors with not only many millions in koched-up profits, but also all manner of ultimately citywide taxpayer funded incentives and other freebies.
Funny how that always happens, by the way.
Then again, maybe not so much.
Fortunately, Quincy Quarry has good reason to believe that the Rebel Alliance will soon be launching a counterattack – if not multiple strikes – against the Empire Overlord and his allied minions, including the still wet behind the ears development team behind this latest koching.
And in the meanwhile, may the farce be with you.
At least until local first quarter property tax bills hit the fan, that is.
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