Toilte paper no longer under lock and chain at the Quincy Center MBTA station’s unisex bathroom
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive photo
– News about the MBTA from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
MBTA paper work security lax?
Have recent MBTA travails detrimentally impacted one of MBTA’s most basic of MBTA public accommodations?
As Quincy Quarry has reported previously not just once, not just twice, but at least three times previously, the MBTA has endeavored to do what it can to secure paperwork needs for its riders.
Now, however, it appears that these security practices appear to have lapsed.
Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to the MBTA for comment; however, the Quarry figured that such a request would only worsen this particular MBTA paperwork mess.
Plus, not even the Quarry staff are so cruel as to so cause their student intern to end up left on hold interminably waiting for someone at the MBTA to respond to an inquiry call.
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